The role of state archival sources in the study of the history of forestry in Uzbekistan (on the example of the Fergana valley)

  • Olimov Jaxongir Kokand state pedagogical institute, Kokand, Uzbekistan
  • Meliboyev Aziz Kokand state pedagogical institute, Kokand, Uzbekistan
Keywords: rocks, forestry, forests, history, development, archive, regional archives, agriculture, irrigation, nature protection, natural resources


The study of the history of forestry in Uzbekistan is one of the goals of the environmental policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and the work done and achievements in this area have an important political and practical significance. This article examines the role and importance of state archival sources in the study of the history of forestry in Uzbekistan.


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Namangan regional state archive fund 493, list 1, case 222.

How to Cite
Olimov Jaxongir and Meliboyev Aziz 2020. The role of state archival sources in the study of the history of forestry in Uzbekistan (on the example of the Fergana valley). International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 9 (Sep. 2020), 80-82. DOI: