Chronotope image in the novel "Ulugbek treasure" by Odil Yakubov

  • Rahimov Zokir Azimovich Associate Professor of Fergana State University, candidate of philological sciences
Keywords: space, time, artistic interpretation, psychologism, artistic hero, historical figure, writing skills


In the novel "The Treasure of Ulugbek" by the talented writer Odil Yakubov is based on the formation of the world of artistic images in the dialectical unity of social environment, historical time, space through artistic time and time, ie chronotope. In the depiction of reality in the work, the character of the historical image and the expression of mental anguish in space and time are logically analyzed and certain conclusions are made.


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How to Cite
Rahimov Zokir Azimovich 2020. Chronotope image in the novel "Ulugbek treasure" by Odil Yakubov. International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 11 (Nov. 2020), 183-186. DOI: