The history of the Kokand Khanate in the press of Turkestan (According to Suttorkhon Abdulgafforov)

  • Rakhimjanova Nigora Kudratillaevna Senior Researcher at the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Historical sciences
Keywords: sattorkhon Abdulgafforov, Kokand Khanate, source, newspaper, research, traditional education


Suttorkhon Abdulgafforov's book "A Brief Essay on the Internal Situation of the Kokand Khanate Before the Russian Invasion", published in the Turkestan press, provides valuable information on the history of Kokand. In particular, it reflects governance, traditional education, the judicial system and the military situation in the last days of the khanate


Abdi Sattar khan kaziy // Turkestanskie vedomosti. 1894. № 29; Mullo Abdullo. Thoughts of a respected Muslim on science // Turkiston viloyatining gazeti. 1885. № 8; Abdi Sattar-khan judge. Notes on national self-government and ishanax in Turkestan // Turkestanskie vedomosti. 1898. № 54. [Аbdi Sattar xan kaziy // Turkestanskie vedomosti. 1894. № 29; Mullo Аbdullo. Bir hurmatli musulmonni ilm xususida yozgan fikrlari // Turkiston viloyatining gazeti. 1885. № 8; Аbdi Sattar-xan kaziy. Zametki o narodnom samoupravlenii i ishanax v Turkestane // Turkestanskie vedomosti. 1898. № 54].

Bakirov F. Judgment, Sharia and custom in Tsarist Turkestan. - T .: Fan, 1967. - B.14. [Bakirov F. Chor Turkistonida sud, shariat va odat. – T.: Fan,1967. – B.14].

A Muslim from Shymkent wrote a memoir of the past (Sattorkhan's memoirs) // Turkiston viloyatining gazeti 1890. № 6,8, 16, 19, 22, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33. [Bir Chimkentlik musulmonnning oʼtgan voqealarni eslab yozgani (Sattorxonning esdaliklari) // Turkiston viloyatining gazeti 1890. № 6,8, 16, 19, 22, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33]

Sattar-khan Abdul Gafarov. Brief essay on the internal state of the Kokand Khanate before the conquest of the Russian ego // Turkestanskie vedomosti. 1892. № 26, 29, 36; 1893. № 61.[Sattar-xan Аbdul Gafarov. Kratkiy ocherk vnutrennego sostoyaniya Kokandskogo xanstva pered zavoevaniem yego russkimi // Turkestanskie vedomosti. 1892. № 26, 29, 36; 1893. № 61].

Fel'eton // Xurshid. - 1906. № 4; Pirmuhammad Mufti Tursun Muhammad oglu. About judges // Taraqqiy. - 1906. №11; A researcher Salih. About the election // Turkiston viloyatining gazeti. - 1910. - № 15 [Felʼeton // Xurshid. – 1906. № 4; Pirmuhammad mufti Tursun Muhammad oʼgʼli. Qozilar xususida // Taraqqiy. – 1906. №11; Bir muxaqqiq Solih. Saylov xususida // Turkiston viloyatining gazeti. – 1910. – № 15.]

How to Cite
Rakhimjanova Nigora Kudratillaevna 2020. The history of the Kokand Khanate in the press of Turkestan (According to Suttorkhon Abdulgafforov). International Journal on Integrated Education. 3, 12 (Dec. 2020), 68-70. DOI: