• Nuhriwin Departement of Notary Postgraduate Program of Jayabaya University Indonesia
  • M. Sudirman Departement of Notary Postgraduate Program of Jayabaya University Indonesia
Keywords: The sale and purchase of land, contract law, laws and regulations regarding bankruptcy and legal protection for buyers


The research method used in this research is the normative juridical method, carried out as an effort to obtain the necessary data regarding the problem. The data used are secondary data consisting of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. The data was collected by means of library research by studying the literature related to the sale and purchase of land, contract law, laws and regulations regarding bankruptcy and legal protection for buyers


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How to Cite
Nuhriwin, & M. Sudirman. (2021). LEGAL PROTECTION FOR BUYERS FOR SELLING OF LAND RELATED TO BUDEL PAILIT OBJECT. International Journal on Orange Technologies, 3(1), 24-37.