The effectiveness of using the complex fertilizers on crops of a high-lysin corn variety named uzbekistan 420 vl

  • Yejov Maksim Nikolaevich Applicant
  • Audu, Akhmedov Jamalkhan Khujakhanovich Doctor of Biological Sciences,pofessor
  • Akhmedov Zhabbarkhan Jamalkhanovich Doctor of Agricultural Sciences
  • Obijoniov Jasurbek Obidjonovich Junior Scientific Researcher The Research Institute of Breeding, Seed Production and Agricultural Technology of Cotton Growing
Keywords: High-lysin maize, planting density, nitrogen application rate, vegetation length, grain yield, protein


 In this article given information and discuss about the effect of the rates of mixed fertilizers on grain yield and the total content of protein and lysine in protein, fertilizer rates and plant density per hectare


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How to Cite
Yejov Maksim Nikolaevich, Audu, Akhmedov Jamalkhan Khujakhanovich, Akhmedov Zhabbarkhan Jamalkhanovich, & Obijoniov Jasurbek Obidjonovich. (2021). The effectiveness of using the complex fertilizers on crops of a high-lysin corn variety named uzbekistan 420 vl. International Journal on Orange Technologies, 3(1), 49-52.