Analysis of the effect of physical-mechanical performance of two-level knitted fabrics on shape stability

  • Shogofurov Shaxboz Shokirjon ugli Namangan Institute of engineering and technology
  • Rahmatova Sadokat Umarjonovna Namangan Institute of engineering and technology
  • Uralov Lazizbek Saidnazar ugli Namangan Institute of engineering and technology
  • Kholikov Kurbonali Madaminovich Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology
Keywords: knitting, knitwear, woven structure, spun puzzle, pan, polyester, air permeability, tensile strength, glad


The article presents the results of the analysis of physical and mechanical properties of 4 variants of knitted fabric


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How to Cite
Shogofurov Shaxboz Shokirjon ugli, Rahmatova Sadokat Umarjonovna, Uralov Lazizbek Saidnazar ugli, & Kholikov Kurbonali Madaminovich. (2021). Analysis of the effect of physical-mechanical performance of two-level knitted fabrics on shape stability. International Journal on Orange Technologies, 3(2), 43-47.

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