Study Of Corn Biology In Agriculture And The Technology Of Its Cultivation

  • Kholdarova Sevarakhon Rakhmatjon qizi Assistant, Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology. Uzbekistan, Andijan
  • Masardinov Khushnudbek Bozorboy ogli 4th year student, Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology. Uzbekistan, Andijan
  • Fayzullayeva Mubinakhon Utkirbek qizi 1st year student, Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology. Uzbekistan, Andijan
Keywords: corn, fertileness, fertilization, biological features, moisture necessity, planting, soil necessity, qualities


The study of the biology of corn in agriculture, which allows to obtain high yields from this plant, as well as the correct organization of cultivation technology, efficient usa of land


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Дата публикации 2020/12/8.

TS Khudoyberdiev, BR Boltaboev, MS Kholdarov. “Improved Design of Universal-combined Cultivator-fertilizer” //International Journal on Orange Technologies// 2 (10), 83-85.

How to Cite
Kholdarova Sevarakhon Rakhmatjon qizi, Masardinov Khushnudbek Bozorboy ogli, & Fayzullayeva Mubinakhon Utkirbek qizi. (2021). Study Of Corn Biology In Agriculture And The Technology Of Its Cultivation. International Journal on Orange Technologies, 3(3), 55-61.