The Effectiveness Of Distance Learning In The Education System In Uzbekistan

  • Farhod Isomidinovich Jalolov Senior Lecturer of the faculty of preschool and primary education, Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan
  • Khakim Sharipovich Rustamov Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics and Programming Technologies, Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan
Keywords: distance learning (DL), computational techniques (CT), remote education, automated control system (ACS)


 In today's world of information technology, distance learning is becoming increasingly important. Because this type of education differs from the existing types of education in some of its positive aspects, the difference between distance learning and full-time and other types of education is that this type of education is very popular with the general population. In this article, there is elucidated the effectiveness of distance learning in the education system of Uzbekistan


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How to Cite
Farhod Isomidinovich Jalolov, & Khakim Sharipovich Rustamov. (2021). The Effectiveness Of Distance Learning In The Education System In Uzbekistan. International Journal on Orange Technologies, 3(3), 66-70.