Physical and geographical features of the Fergana Valley

  • Zhabbarov Azam Mashrabovich Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Geography and Fundamentals of Economic Knowledge, Kokand State Pedagogical Institute named after Mukimi
Keywords: Fergana Valley, mountains, plains, physical border, political border, water resources, soils, climate, seasons, Fergana term, hanging revenge, nature protection


This article highlights the physical and geographical features of the Fergana Valley: the physical, geographical and political border, water resources, climate, seasons. The concept of the Fergana term: the history of its research, about memorable places in the valley, mountains and deserts, about soils and the development of virgin lands, environmental protection


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How to Cite
Zhabbarov Azam Mashrabovich. (2021). Physical and geographical features of the Fergana Valley. International Journal on Orange Technologies, 3(3), 94-97.