Theoretical Fundamentals of Practical Work From Natural Materials in Primary School Technology Courses

  • Suyundikova Maqsuda Shotemirovna Termez State University “Theory and methods of education 2nd year master's degree in "Primary Education"
Keywords: Technology, labor education, skill, qualification, application, geometric shape, colored paper, primary education


As we all know, the science of technology was introduced instead of the science of labor education and was enriched with a lot of news and literature. This article discusses the use of natural materials in technology classes in the primary grades, new methods of their use, as well as their theoretical basis


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How to Cite
Suyundikova Maqsuda Shotemirovna. (2021). Theoretical Fundamentals of Practical Work From Natural Materials in Primary School Technology Courses. International Journal on Orange Technologies, 3(3), 310-317.