Definition of phraseological units, their semantic features, history of the study of phraseological units

  • Rustamova Nazokat Abdullayevna Student of SamSIFL
Keywords: types of phraseology, volumes, combinations, folklore, expressions


This article informs us about one of the linguistics branch which study the main source of language such as word combinations, linguistic units, phraseological expressions. Also in this paper, we can look back to the history of phraseology, the achievements of science and future practice on this issue. The ideas in the article are not only written or informed but also proven by concrete facts and examples.


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How to Cite
Rustamova Nazokat Abdullayevna. (2021). Definition of phraseological units, their semantic features, history of the study of phraseological units. International Journal on Orange Technologies, 3(4), 323-326.