Mahmudhoja Behbudi and his work Qasdi safar

  • Dilafruz Rakhmatova Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages
  • Saodat Sattarova Lecturer at the Department of Russian Language and Literature, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages
Keywords: Turkestan, Jadid, Bukhara Emirate, Kushbegi, Karshi Deserts, publisher, drama, Оуina, mosque, madrasa, school, education, money changer, hotel worker, otasharoba, osonsur, parakhod


The social, political, economic, cultural and educational changes that took place in Turkestan in the late 19th and early 20th centuries were one of the first steps towards independence. Our Jadids, especially Mahmudkhoja Behbudi, have shown great interest in studying his life and work. Mahmudhoja Behbudi was both a publisher, a journalist, and the founder of Uzbek drama, not only a geographer, but also a skilled politician. In particular, in more than 300 articles he speaks about language issues, social problems, our traditions, school life, which he did not overlook during his travels to the Middle East, and the travels of Turkestan pilgrims.’’ Qasdi Safar’’ is a unique travelogue that has a place among created the memoirs in the East.


1. Mahmudhoja Behbudi, Selected works. «AKADEMNASHR» 100156, Tashkent city, Chilanzar district, 20th district, house 42. 2018 y.
2. Begali Qosimov. Mahmudhoja Behbudi. Tashkent "Manaviyat" 2006
3. Mirsharif Khojayev "Khodarvish wind". Selection. Roman. 2020 y.
4. Nusrat Rahmat The novel "Jadid". "Publishing light" Tashkent 2020
How to Cite
Rakhmatova, D., & Saodat Sattarova. (2021). Mahmudhoja Behbudi and his work Qasdi safar. International Journal on Orange Technologies, 3(5), 24-27.