Extreme issues related to irrational functions and geometric methods for solving equations

  • Akhmedova Gavkhar Akhadovna Kokand State Pedagogical Institute
  • Makhmudova Ozoda Yuldashevna Kokand State Pedagogical Institute
Keywords: cosine theorem, triangle area, a vector length, semicircle, minimum and maximum values


We all know that there are several algebraic ways to solve irrational equations and extreme problems. Solving examples and problems in geometric ways helps to increase students' interest in mathematics and to see more clearly the relationship between geometry and algebra. In this article, a triangle area is used to solve an irrational equation, the cosine theorem, and vectors are used to solve extreme problems.


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2. E.V. Galkin. "Non-standard problems in mathematics. Algebra". Chelyabinsk "Look",2004.
How to Cite
Akhadovna, A. G., & Yuldashevna, M. O. (2021). Extreme issues related to irrational functions and geometric methods for solving equations. International Journal on Orange Technologies, 3(5), 93-96. Retrieved from https://journals.researchparks.org/index.php/IJOT/article/view/1819