Artistic traditions in the Karakalpak literature of the 19th century

  • Tokymbetova Gulbahar Abatbaevna Karakalpak State University
Keywords: lyrics, creative individuality, the image of the author, contrast description, metaphor, lyrical hero


The article deals with the individual peculiarities of the works of the great poet Berdakh. The author of the article discovers some special features pointing out to Berdakh’s originality, and tries to explain them with the help of texts from his works


1. Murtazaev A. On the Authorship of Classical Works and Genre Peculiarity of the Poem “Despot King”.- A Word about Berdakh. Nukus: Karakalpakstan, 1987.
2. Berdakh, celected works. Nukus, 1987.
3. Jarimbetov Kh. Genre Pecularities and History of Development of the 19th century Karakalpak Lyrics. Nukus: Bilim, 2004.
How to Cite
Abatbaevna, T. G. (2021). Artistic traditions in the Karakalpak literature of the 19th century. International Journal on Orange Technologies, 3(5), 106-109. Retrieved from