Resistance of Concrete and Cement to Chemical and Aggressive Environments

  • Egamberdiev Murad Saidovich Candidate of the department of general Professional Disciplines Bukhara branch of Tashkent Institute of irrigation and agricultural engineers
  • Hakimov Sherzod Hamzayevich Assistant of Bukhara branch of Tashkent Institute of irrigation and agricultural engineers
  • O`lmasov Suxrobbek Xurshid o`g`li Student of Bukhara branch of Tashkent Institute of irrigation and agricultural engineers
Keywords: Cement mortar, aggressive action, acid, carbonic acid, carbonization, tubular pores, crystalline hydrate


The resistance of the cement mortar to aggressive influences, when exposed to air, lime becomes denser due to gas formation in the air, the durability of the garage erected in the building. It has also been found that exposure to harmful exhaust gases increases, usually in wet conditions.


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How to Cite
Saidovich, E. M., Hamzayevich, H. S., & o`g`liO. S. X. (2021). Resistance of Concrete and Cement to Chemical and Aggressive Environments. International Journal on Orange Technologies, 3(12), 133-138.