Pedagogical-Psychological, Pragmatic Features of Improving the Tasks that Develop Verbal Competence

  • Mekhriban Uteulieva Ibraimovna Teacher at the Department of Distance Learning of Social Sciences and Humanities, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute
Keywords: competence, pragmatism, eloquence, professional value, to convey an idea, communication


The article presents a scientific approach to topics including mother tongue instruction, children's speech development, new methods of speech development, incentive to enhance speaking abilities, pragmatism - bringing education closer to life, and many scholars' scientific perspectives.


1. S. Usmonov. General linguistics. Tashkent, 1972, p.144.
2. Beruniy. Selected Works, Volume N1, p.64. Subsequent excerpts are also taken from page 64 of the same work.
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5. State educational standard and curriculum in the subject of mother tongue of general secondary education.–Tashkent, 2017. p.–69.
6. Khudoyberganovna, M. U., & Marifovna, K. F. (2021). Methodological features of the articles used in "Boburnoma". integration of science, education and practice. scientific-methodical journal, 2(3), 141-144.
How to Cite
Ibraimovna, M. U. (2021). Pedagogical-Psychological, Pragmatic Features of Improving the Tasks that Develop Verbal Competence. International Journal on Orange Technologies, 3(12), 154-156.