Develops an Alarm System in the Alarm Bath and an Adaptive Power Adjustment System

  • Sanjar Ruzimatov Assistant, Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology
  • Dadaxon Fayzullayev Assistant, Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology
Keywords: Ohorla, algorithm, adaptive, automatic, model, discrete, stabilization, textile, fabric, yarn


Mathematical models of the weighting process are obtained in the form of material balance equations. These mathematical models allow the identification of key factors influencing the process. A systematic algorithm for the synthesis of adaptive observers and a structure for the adaptive control system have been developed for the slowing process. The proposed algorithm allows to identify the parameters of control objects and improve the performance of adaptive monitoring devices.


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How to Cite
Ruzimatov, S., & Fayzullayev, D. (2021). Develops an Alarm System in the Alarm Bath and an Adaptive Power Adjustment System. International Journal on Orange Technologies, 3(12), 178-182.