National Music Heritage in the Eyes of the Thinkers

  • Otajonov Farxod Ibroximoch Teacher of the department of music education at the faculty of art studies of Andijan state university
Keywords: history, past, ancestor, heritage, creator, perception, classical, music


in this article, the works of scholars of the past, who left History in written sources, the history of which covered the historical processes associated with the peoples of Central Asia, a number of ancient scholars, such as Herodotus, Ksenofont, Diodor, gave us information about the books, historical sources. Historical written sources of our national music heritage have been thoroughly highlighted.


1. B.Rakhimov. Text of lectures in the history of music. Urgench, 2005.
2. O. Fayziev “Music and education” Tashkent, 2007.
3. I.Rajabov "On the question of Makom" T.1963.
4. F.Karomatov "Uzbek instrumental music"
5. T.E Solomonova "The history of Uzbek music" .T.1981.
6. List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Urgent Need for Safeguarding. UNESCO 2009.
7. Basic Text of the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, UNESCO, 2014, Paris.
8. U.Tashmatov, N.Isakulova. Legal Basis for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (Monograph). Tashkent, 2015
9. Basics of international of convention in preserving non-material cultivation UNESCO, 2014
10. Abu Ali Ibn Sina. Biography (translation from Arabic, comments and the author of Muqaddima Abdusodiq Irisov). - What?: "Science", 1985.
11. Rajabov I.The R. About forobi's legacy in the field of music. // C. Social Sciences in Uzbekistan. -1973.- № 6.
12. Fitret A. Uzbek classical music and its history. - What?: "Science", 1993.
13. Vyzgo T.S. Musical instruments of Central Asia. Historical essays. - M.: "Music", 1980.
14. Daukeeva S. Philosophy of music of Abu Nasr Muhammad al-Farabi. - Alma-Ata: Soros Foundation - Kazakhstan, 2002.
How to Cite
Ibroximoch, O. F. (2021). National Music Heritage in the Eyes of the Thinkers. International Journal on Orange Technologies, 3(12), 200-202.