Some Recommendations for the Application of Powder Alloys in the Restoration of Agricultural Machinery Parts by Plasma Surface and Spraying Methods

  • Khadjiyieva Salima Sadiqovna Department of General Engineering, Andijan Institute of Mechanical Engineering
  • Ibragimjanov Bakrambek Hamidovich Department of General Engineering, Andijan Institute of Mechanical Engineering
Keywords: plasma surfacing, spraying, self-fluxing, iron-based powder, optimal composition, wear resistance, fluidity of powder, chemical composition, self-fluxing efficiency


The practice of using plasma surfacing and spraying in agricultural and engineering production for the purpose of restoring and hardening parts of agricultural machinery has shown a relatively high efficiency of these processes. To further improve the efficiency of these methods of restoring and hardening parts, far from all the possibilities and reserves have been used, which include a reduction in consumption and the use of cheaper working gases; expansion of the range of remanufactured parts, due to the combined use of various powder filler materials.


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How to Cite
Sadiqovna, K. S., & Hamidovich, I. B. (2022). Some Recommendations for the Application of Powder Alloys in the Restoration of Agricultural Machinery Parts by Plasma Surface and Spraying Methods. International Journal on Orange Technologies, 4(6), 48-53. Retrieved from