The Role of Information Technologies in the Formation of the Spiritual World View of Youth

  • Abdulhakimova Fatima Turdiqul qizi Uzbekistan, TerSU, Pedagogical Institute Master's Theory and History of Pedagogy (By type of activity) 1st stage
Keywords: spiritual outlook of young people, information and information technologies, the sphere of negative influence, the effect of positive influence, factors


This article discusses the role of information technology in the formation of the worldview of young people and its growing importance in today's era of technical and technological development. In addition, the extent to which information and information technologies affect the morale of young people and whether it occurs on a positive or negative basis. Our article on these effects is based on examples.


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How to Cite
Turdiqul qizi, A. F. (2022). The Role of Information Technologies in the Formation of the Spiritual World View of Youth. International Journal on Orange Technologies, 4(6), 54-56. Retrieved from