Client-Server Technology, Practices of the Practical Layer

  • Tojiboev Ibrokhimjon Tojalievich Fergana branch of TUIT named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi Deputy Director for Academic Affairs
  • Mamirkhojayev Muhammadamin Mavlonjonovich Students of the Fergana branch of TUIT named after Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi
  • Umaraliyev Jamshidbek Tokhtasinovich Students of the Fergana branch of TUIT named after Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi
  • Sotvoldiyeva Mohirakhon Bakhromjon qizi Students of the Fergana branch of TUIT named after Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi
  • Toychibaev Abbosjon Eraliyevich Students of the Fergana branch of TUIT named after Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi
Keywords: Client - server, characteristics, computer, network architecture, model,


In this article, what is the client server, what functions does the client market; the client-server characteristic is the relationship of the interacting programs in the program. It also provides information on the client server model, networks, differences, and computing advantages.


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How to Cite
Tojalievich, T. I., Mavlonjonovich, M. M., Tokhtasinovich, U. J., Bakhromjon qizi, S. M., & Eraliyevich, T. A. (2022). Client-Server Technology, Practices of the Practical Layer. International Journal on Orange Technologies, 4(7), 1-4. Retrieved from