Substantiation of the Parameters of Regenerative Devices for Mining Dump Trucks

  • Umrzakov Javahir Abdurazzak oglu Doctoral student, Tashkent State Technical University
Keywords: quarry transport, cars and light trucks, use of recuperative devices, quarry dump trucks


At mining enterprises with an open pit, a special role belongs to quarry transport. It is not only the most complex and laborious link in the technological process of developing mineral deposits, but to a large extent determines the conditions and performance of other links and the enterprise as a whole. In the cost of mining, the share of transport costs reaches 50-70%.


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How to Cite
oglu, U. J. A. (2022). Substantiation of the Parameters of Regenerative Devices for Mining Dump Trucks. International Journal on Orange Technologies, 4(9), 35-38. Retrieved from