Study of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Knitted Fabrics
Knitwear, textile, 28 class, Mayer, 2808, lycra, shape retention, abrasion resistance
In this article, the analysis of the physical and mechanical parameters of knitted fabrics intended for the production of an assortment of upper knitted products obtained on a 28-class Mayer machine is made, and recommendations for various assortments are based on it.
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8. Shogofurov Shakhboz Shokirjon Ugli, Rahmatova Sadokat Umarjonovna, Kamalova Iroda Ibrokhimovna, Kholikov Kurbonali Madaminovich. Analysis of physical-mechanical performance of two-level. // - South Asian Journal of Marketing & Management Research (SAJMMR), (Double Blind Ref ereed & Peer Reviewed International Journal) ISSN: 2249-877X, VOL 11, Issue (2), February 2021, India. Open Academic Journals Index (17).
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13. Rahmatova Sadokat Umarjonovna, son of Shogofurov Shakhboz Shokirjon, Kholikov Kurbanali Madaminovich. Study the effects of changes on knitted fabric structures on physical-mechanical performance. Scientific and technical journal of NamIET ISSN 2181-8622 VOL 6 – Issue (1) 2021 42-49 pages [email protected]
14. G. Hasanboyeva. History of textile design. Study guide. Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent Textile and Light Industry Institute. - T.: "ECONOMY - FINANCE", 2006. 252 pages.
15. GOST 28554-90 Knitted fabric. General technical conditions
16. Koblyakov A.I., Kukin G.N., Solovev A.N. Laboratory practice of textile material science. 2-e izd. M.: Legprombytizdat. 1986. -S. 232-245.
17. Solovev A.N., Kiryukhin S.M. Otsenka i prognazirovanie kachestva tekstilnykh materialovi. - Moscow: Legkaya i pishchevaya promyshlennost, 1984. -S. 215-218.
2. Allamuratova Tamara Kalmuratovna. Improvement of the resource-saving technology of obtaining two-layer knitted products. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Dissertation in Technical Sciences, Tashkent - 2020. Tashkent - 2020. 87p.
3. Spencer D.J. Knitting technology (Third edition). - England: Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2001. - 380 p.
4. Kukin G.N., Solovev A.N. Tekstilnoe materialovedenie. (Iskhodnye tekstilnye materialy) M.: Legprombytizdat. 1985. -S. 132-147.
5. Zhikharev A.P., Petropavlovsky G.D., Kuzin S.K., Mishakov V.Yu. Materialovedenie v proizvodstve izdeliy easy promyshlennosti. M.: Izdatel'sky center "Akademiya" 2004g.-p.213-222b.
6. Shog'ofurov Shakhboz Shokirjon ugli, Rahmatova Sadokat Umarjonovna, Uralov Lazizbek Saidnazar ugli, Kholikov Kurbonali Madaminovich., Analysis of the effect of physical-mechanical performance of two-level knitted fabrics on shape stability. // - International journal of orange technologies, Vol 3, Issue 2, 2021. p. 43-47.
7. Shogofurov Shakhboz Shokirjon ugli, Rahmatova Sadokat Umarjonovna, Uralov Lazizbek Saidnazar ugli, Kholikov Kurbonali Madaminovich., Physical-mechanical analysis of performance pattern knitted fabrics. // - International journal of human computing studies, Vol 3, Issue 1, 2021. p. 109-113.
8. Shogofurov Shakhboz Shokirjon Ugli, Rahmatova Sadokat Umarjonovna, Kamalova Iroda Ibrokhimovna, Kholikov Kurbonali Madaminovich. Analysis of physical-mechanical performance of two-level. // - South Asian Journal of Marketing & Management Research (SAJMMR), (Double Blind Ref ereed & Peer Reviewed International Journal) ISSN: 2249-877X, VOL 11, Issue (2), February 2021, India. Open Academic Journals Index (17).
9. GOST 31410-2009. Mezhgosudarstvennyy standard. Izdelia trikotajnye verkhnie dlya mujchin i malchikov. General technical conditions. M.: Standartinform, 2011.
10. GOST 28882. "Canvas knitted for verkhnix izdeliy. Normy ostatochnoy deformation". M.: Standartinform, 2009.
11. GOST 26667. Fabric for knitwear and sewing Normy izmereniya lineynykh razmerov posle mokroy obrabotki. M.: Standartinform, 2008.
12. GOST 16486-93. Mezhgosudarstvennyy standard. Canvas trikotajnye dlya verkhnix izdeliy. Normy ustoychivosti k istiraniyu. M.: Standartinform, 2005.].
13. Rahmatova Sadokat Umarjonovna, son of Shogofurov Shakhboz Shokirjon, Kholikov Kurbanali Madaminovich. Study the effects of changes on knitted fabric structures on physical-mechanical performance. Scientific and technical journal of NamIET ISSN 2181-8622 VOL 6 – Issue (1) 2021 42-49 pages [email protected]
14. G. Hasanboyeva. History of textile design. Study guide. Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent Textile and Light Industry Institute. - T.: "ECONOMY - FINANCE", 2006. 252 pages.
15. GOST 28554-90 Knitted fabric. General technical conditions
16. Koblyakov A.I., Kukin G.N., Solovev A.N. Laboratory practice of textile material science. 2-e izd. M.: Legprombytizdat. 1986. -S. 232-245.
17. Solovev A.N., Kiryukhin S.M. Otsenka i prognazirovanie kachestva tekstilnykh materialovi. - Moscow: Legkaya i pishchevaya promyshlennost, 1984. -S. 215-218.
How to Cite
qizi, S. U. R., qizi, D. S. M., qizi, K. D. A., Umarjonovna, R. S., & Madaminovich, K. K. (2022). Study of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Knitted Fabrics. International Journal on Orange Technologies, 4(10), 50-57. Retrieved from