Topographic and Geodetic Supply Applied Devices and State Real Estate Cadastre

  • Tojidinova F.M Samarkand State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering named after Mirzo Ulugbek. Samarkand. Uzbekistan
Keywords: land acquisition, aerial survey system, laser scanner, ALTM 3100, air laser scanner, RIEGL LMS-Q680


This article examines the generalization and analysis of information materials on the areas of application, principles of construction and operation of air laser systems used for topographic and geodetic support for maintaining the state cadastre of real estate. An analysis was made of the principles of construction, operation and main characteristics of air laser systems, their main advantages and disadvantages.


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How to Cite
Tojidinova F.M. (2023). Topographic and Geodetic Supply Applied Devices and State Real Estate Cadastre. International Journal on Orange Technologies, 4(12), 56-63. Retrieved from