Polyethylene Improved Structural Properties During Production

  • Rosilov Mansur Sirgiyevich Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute
  • Sultonov Oybek Komiljonovich Karshi Engineering and Economic Institute
Keywords: viscosity, modification, ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene configuration, monolithization, microfibrillar morphology


In connection with the expansion of the fields of application of polymeric materials and the condition of the conditions for their exploitation, the creation of materials with predetermined properties is becoming increasingly important. This can be realized through the synthesis of new, modified and industrial polymers.


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How to Cite
Sirgiyevich, R. M., & Komiljonovich, S. O. (2023). Polyethylene Improved Structural Properties During Production. International Journal on Orange Technologies, 5(2), 34-36. Retrieved from https://journals.researchparks.org/index.php/IJOT/article/view/3997