Problems and Solutions of Training and Re-Training of Mechanics-Drivers of Combat Vehicles in Military Units and Training Institutions within the Armed Forces JV

  • Sarimsakov Madaminjon Fayzilvakhobovich Senior teacher of the Technical Support Department of the Armed Forces Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Keywords: Mechanics-Drivers, Vehicles


The training of combat vehicle mechanics-drivers should be aimed at achieving high management skills in various complex conditions, forming will and determination in them, creating a sense of responsibility for the technical adjustment and combat readiness of vehicles.


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How to Cite
Fayzilvakhobovich, S. M. (2023). Problems and Solutions of Training and Re-Training of Mechanics-Drivers of Combat Vehicles in Military Units and Training Institutions within the Armed Forces JV. International Journal on Orange Technologies, 5(5), 100-104. Retrieved from