Characteristics of Choir Recording, In the Creation of Composer Mustafo Bafoyev

  • Abdulazizova Oydinoy Muxamadin qizi Student of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Arts, Department of Fine Arts and Music Education, Andijan State Pedagogical Institute
Keywords: suite, dramaturgy, ballet extravaganza, poema-cantata, oratorio, a'capella, faktura, chorus


The article is dedicated to the analysis of the works of Mustafa Bafoyev, who wrote the subtle aspects of the choir, in various genres, and attention is paid to revealing its musical potential.


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How to Cite
qizi, A. O. M. (2023). Characteristics of Choir Recording, In the Creation of Composer Mustafo Bafoyev. International Journal on Orange Technologies, 5(5), 108-111.