The use of ash of thermal power plants in mortar mixtures and concrete
Our research is devoted to the issue of using waste from the mining industry (waste rock sand, waste from the mining and processing of marble), the energy industry (fly ash from thermal power plants), the copper smelting industry (copper smelting slags) in the preparation of filling mixtures used for filling the worked-out space in underground mining works.
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Ivanov I.A. Light concrete based on ash from power plants / I.A. Ivanov. M .: Stroyizdat, 1986, pp. 42-47.
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Shah Taher Muhammad. Gold concrete with SAFA / Shah Taher Muhammad, I.K. Kasimov, M.K. Tokhirov Zh. T .: Architecture and construction of Uzbekistan, 1984, No. 5.
Makhamadaliev I.M. Concretes on activated binder and ash filler / I.M. Makhamadaliev. Author's abstract of the dissertation of the candidate of technical sciences, Tashkent, 1993.
Rakhimov Sh.T. Development of optimal compositions, research of physical and technical properties, durability and effectiveness of filling mixtures based on industrial wastes // Abstract of the dissertation of the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in technical sciences, Tashkent, 2019. -10-12 P.