Training technologies-guarantee of sustainable development of Uzbekistan
Targeted activities have been organized to introduce distance learning into professional development processes, including remote training of teachers using on-line and off-line technologies based on the national e-education network.
To achieve a radical improvement of quality of training specialists with higher education, demanded in industries and spheres of economy, through the modernization of material-technical base of higher educational institutions, equipping them with the most modern teaching and laboratory equipment, optimization of areas and specialties of training of qualified personnel, further improvement of technology training, modern curriculum, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 20, 2011 "On measures to strengthen the material and technical base and development of higher educational institutions and radically improve the quality of training of highly qualified specialists was adopted.
The national program for training: approved by the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 29 August 1997, No. 463-1 // The Oliy Majlis of The Republic Of Uzbekistan, 1997, No. 11-12, Article 295.
Strategy of actions on five priority areas of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021: Appendix No. 1 to The Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 07.02.2017 no. up-4947. / / Assembly of legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, February 13, 2017 no. 6. St. 70.
On measures to organize the activities of the Ministry of employment and labor Relations of the Republic of Uzbekistan: Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 24.05.2017. No. PP-3001 // Collection of legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, June 5, 2017, No. 22. St. 420.