Complexes of land mollusks of various biotopes of the ugam and pskom mountain ranges

  • A. Pazilov Gulistan State University, 4th microdistrict, Gulistan city, Republic of Uzbekistan
  • F. Gaibnazarova Gulistan State University, 4th microdistrict, Gulistan city, Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Z. Mukhammadiev Gulistan State University, 4th microdistrict, Gulistan city, Republic of Uzbekistan
Keywords: Malacofauna, land mollusks, Palearctic and Holarctic, xerophiles, complex, Central Asian, upland Asian, anteroasian


High numbers, wide distribution, large species diversity, low mobility and low ability to overcome geographical barriers, ease of material collection and sensitive response to changes in the environment make a group of land mollusks a convenient object of biogeographically and ecological research.


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How to Cite
A. Pazilov, F. Gaibnazarova, & Z. Mukhammadiev. (2021). Complexes of land mollusks of various biotopes of the ugam and pskom mountain ranges. International Journal of Human Computing Studies, 3(1), 45-51.