Comparative characteristics of operating systems of the windows 7th and 10th generations family

  • Kadirova Gulchehra Senior Teacher at the Department of Physics, Mathematics and IT of the Tashkent Pharmaceutical
  • Rasuleva Maprat Assistant of the chair of Physics, Mathematics and IT, Tashkent Pharmaceutical
  • Khalilova Shoira Assistant of the chair of Physics, Mathematics and IT, Tashkent Pharmaceutical
  • Akbarov Nurislom Akhtamjon ugli 2nd year student of the Faculty of Industrial Pharmacy, Tashkent Pharmaceutical
Keywords: OS, Application, User, System


 The article reveals the concept and essence of operating systems, describes the functions of operating systems, provides statistics on the most popular operating systems among the Windows family, describes the characteristics and features of Windows 7 and Windows 10 operating systems, conducts a comparative analysis of the characteristics and draws conclusions.


Windows OS statistics. June 2018 // COMSS. ONE. URL: https: // www. comss. ru / page. php? id = 5148 (Date accessed: 24.11.2019).
Windows 7 // Wikipedia. URL: https: // ru. wikipedia. org / wiki / Windows_7 -
Windows 10 // Wikipedia. URL: https: // ru. wikipedia. org / wiki / Windows_10
Which is better than Windows 10 or Windows 7? // HowWindows. URL: http: // howwindows. ru / windows / chto-luchshe- windows-10-ili-windows-7
How to Cite
Kadirova Gulchehra, Rasuleva Maprat, Khalilova Shoira, & Akbarov Nurislom Akhtamjon ugli. (2021). Comparative characteristics of operating systems of the windows 7th and 10th generations family. International Journal of Human Computing Studies, 3(1), 74-77.