Chalcogenideth in Films with Micro Transitions

  • Naymanboyev Raxmonali Docent, TATU Fergana branch, Uzbekistan
  • Yuldashev Abror Abduvositovich Teacher, Fergana State University, Uzbekistan
  • Yuldashev Shohjahon Abrorovich Doctoral student, Fergana State University, Uzbekistan
  • Yuldasheva Shahrizoda Abrorjon qizi Bachelor, Fergana State University, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Thin film, chalcogenides, current-voltage dependence, shunting


This paper presents the results of studies of thin films of chalcogenides with in homogeneities of the microp-n-transition type. The current-voltage dependence (I (V)) is obtained and the analysis is carried out in some special cases. Super linear and super linear regions of the I (V) dependence are found. It is shown that the super linear region of the dependence means that the recombination losses of the injection current in the pandn-regions make up a small fraction of the saturation current of a single transition. The linear region of the I (V) dependence at the origin of coordinates depends on the degree of shunting of microjunctions.


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How to Cite
Naymanboyev Raxmonali, Yuldashev Abror Abduvositovich, Yuldashev Shohjahon Abrorovich, & Yuldasheva Shahrizoda Abrorjon qizi. (2021). Chalcogenideth in Films with Micro Transitions. International Journal of Human Computing Studies, 3(2), 226-228.