Education in Preschool Educational Organizations in the Process of Information Communication Technologies Pedagogical Characteristics of Use

  • Sultanova Shakhnoza Umarhanovna Kokand DPI (Preschool Education) Phase II masters
Keywords: Information, communication, intellectual, methodical, innovation, technology, individual, interactive


This article discusses the role and benefits of the use of information and communication technologies in the development of children's mental abilities, memory and attention in the process of naturalization of children in preschool education, preparation for school education.


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2. R.R.Boqiyev, R.Yu. Mehmonov, DK Husniddinova Computer literacy in kindergarten
3. Abdukodirov AA, Begmatova NN Methods of using multimedia technology in preschool education (textbook)
How to Cite
Umarhanovna, S. S. (2021). Education in Preschool Educational Organizations in the Process of Information Communication Technologies Pedagogical Characteristics of Use. International Journal of Human Computing Studies, 3(8), 63-64.