Intellectual analysis of case-based data in time series prediction

  • N.O. Rakhimov Tashkent University of Information Technologies
  • D.E. Khojamberdiyev Head of the Samarkand Regional Department of the Ministry of Information Technology and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • H. Kamarov Head of the Information Security and ICT Implementation Department of the Samarkand Regional Territorial Inspectorate of the State Committee for National Security H.Kamarov
Keywords: Time series, forecasting, analysis, precedents, intellectual analysis, algorithms, inference systems


The data analysis method is used to predict time series. This article discusses the method of intellectual analysis of precedent data, algorithm ideas and provides a diagram of the developed software


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How to Cite
N.O. Rakhimov, D.E. Khojamberdiyev, & H. Kamarov. (2021). Intellectual analysis of case-based data in time series prediction. International Journal of Human Computing Studies, 3(10), 27-29.