Modern Education: The Advantage and Effectiveness of Distance Learning

  • Elena Pavlovna Navruzova 3rd year student of JSPI Uzbekistan Jizzakh
  • Guzal Ravshanovna Isroilova 2nd year student of JSPI Uzbekistan Jizzakh
  • E. R. Khasanov Dean of the Faculty of «Russian Language and Literature» of the A. Kadyri Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, Jizzakh, Uzbekistan
Keywords: method, effectiveness of methods, distance learning, pandemic, modern education, interactive learning, pedagogical process


This article discusses distance learning and its advantages. The concept of "distance learning" is revealed, the model of the introduction of distance learning into the educational process is defined.


1. M. Weindorf-Sysoeva. "Methods of distance learning". Educational literature.2017.
2. O. N. Tolstobokov. "Modern methods and technologies of distance learning". Monograph-Moscow: The world of sciece, 2020-online edition.
How to Cite
Navruzova, E. P., Isroilova, G. R., & Khasanov, E. R. (2022). Modern Education: The Advantage and Effectiveness of Distance Learning. International Journal of Human Computing Studies, 4(3), 22-24.