Introduction to GIS Application in the Land Cadastre

  • Ibragimov L.T Samarkand State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering named after Mirzo Ulugbek. Samarkand. Uzbekistan
  • Tojidinova F.M Samarkand State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering named after Mirzo Ulugbek. Samarkand. Uzbekistan
  • Raximov B.A Samarkand State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering named after Mirzo Ulugbek. Samarkand. Uzbekistan
Keywords: Geographic Information Systems, Land Cadastre, CAD, Microcialion, AutoCAD MAP, OLE (Object Linking and Embending), Photomod


This article addresses the problems with maintaining a land cadastre related to the processing of data on cadastre objects and discusses the current state of GIS technology. The fundamental tenets of contemporary GIS technology in land cadastre management are presented. The contemporary system of land use is categorized. Consideration is given to creative schemes for keeping the state land cadastre up to date.


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How to Cite
Ibragimov L.T, Tojidinova F.M, & Raximov B.A. (2022). Introduction to GIS Application in the Land Cadastre. International Journal of Human Computing Studies, 4(12), 5-9.