Raising Students' Intercultural Competence Using Anecdotes about Gender

  • Rakhimova Yulduz Nabiyevna Teacher, Uzbekistan State University of World Languages
Keywords: anecdote, intercultural competence, language, cognitive activity


The article describes the role of anecdotes in raising students' intercultural competence. The didactic potential of anecdotes as an educational text is determined, which consists in the formation and development of cognitive activity, a positive effect on mental activity, an impact on the sphere of feelings and emotions, acquaintance with the language norm, development of a sense of language, enrichment of speech, in a hidden system for monitoring the correctness of understanding.


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How to Cite
Nabiyevna, R. Y. (2023). Raising Students’ Intercultural Competence Using Anecdotes about Gender. International Journal of Human Computing Studies, 5(1), 38-42. https://doi.org/10.31149/ijhcs.v5i1.3898