Clinical and neurological disorders in children against the background of a previous herpesvirus infection

  • Shuhrat Niyazov Samarkand State Medical Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Aziza Djurabekova Samarkand State Medical Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Samarkand.
  • Gulandon Khakimova Samarkand State Medical Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan, Samarkand.
Keywords: children, herpes simpleks virus, damage to the nervous system


Despite a significant amount of research on herpesvirus lesions of the nervous system in children , questions regarding the diagnosis of the spectrum of forms of the disease , the fight against the consequences of the disease , many points remain open . The paper presents cases of demage to the central and peripheral nervous system by the herpes simplex virus in children , features of the course , clinical and neurological forms , the prognosis of the disease depending on the severity.


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How to Cite
Shuhrat Niyazov, Aziza Djurabekova, & Gulandon Khakimova. (2020). Clinical and neurological disorders in children against the background of a previous herpesvirus infection. International Journal of Human Computing Studies, 2(5), 15-17.