Obtaining Butyl Acetate by the Method of Hydrolysis

  • Nazirova Rakhnamokhon Mukhtarovna Doctor of Technical Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor of the Department "Technology of storage and primary processing of agricultural products”, Fergana Polytechnic Institute
  • Mirsalimova Saodat Rakhmatjanovna candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor of the department"Chemical technology", Fergana Polytechnical Institute
  • Isakov Burhon Shuhratjon ogli Master student of group M7-19; Fergana Polytechnic Institute
Keywords: ether, methanol, hydrolysis, acetic acid, butanol, esterification


Butyl acetate (butyl ether of acetic acid) is the most common solvent in the production and use of paints and varnishes. Dissolves cellulose ethers, oils, fats, chlorinated rubbers, vinyl polymers, carbiol resins, etc. The addition of butyl acetate together with a small amount of butyl alcohol prevents whitening of the lacquer films. It is a fragrant substance that is part of fruit essences and perfume compositions. It is used in the tanning industry as a tannin. It is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry for the separation of primary substances in the production of antibiotics, etc


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How to Cite
Nazirova Rakhnamokhon Mukhtarovna, Mirsalimova Saodat Rakhmatjanovna, & Isakov Burhon Shuhratjon ogli. (2021). Obtaining Butyl Acetate by the Method of Hydrolysis. International Journal on Orange Technologies, 3(4), 51-53. https://doi.org/10.31149/ijot.v3i4.1601

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