Production of NP Fertilizers Based on Local Raw Materials

  • Nazirova Rakhnamokhon Mukhtarovna Doctor of Technical Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor of the Department "Technology of storage and primary processing of agricultural products”, Fergana Polytechnic Institute
  • Mirsalimova Saodat Rakhmatjanovna candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor of the department"Chemical technology", Fergana Polytechnical Institute
  • Makhmudov Asror Master student of group M7-19; Fergana Polytechnic Institute
Keywords: complex fertilizers, sulfuric acid, reagent, decomposition kin


 Phosphorites S.K are the main phosphate raw materials for the factories of Uzbekistan producing phosphorus-containing fertilizers. The article presents the kinetics of decomposition of phosphorites S.K. sulfuric and extraction phosphoric acids. According to the data obtained, most of the phosphorite (52-65%) decomposes within 10 minutes, and then the process of opening the phosphate is sharply measured. With an equal total rate of acids, an increase in the proportion of sulfuric acid contributes to a deeper decomposition of phosphate. For 3 hours of interaction, an increase in the amount of sulfuric acid contributes to an increase in the degree of opening of the fossil raw material from 83.9 to 90.1%, at a process temperature of 80 ° C at 90 ° C from 89.8 to 93%.


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How to Cite
Nazirova Rakhnamokhon Mukhtarovna, Mirsalimova Saodat Rakhmatjanovna, & Makhmudov Asror. (2021). Production of NP Fertilizers Based on Local Raw Materials. International Journal on Orange Technologies, 3(4), 63-66.

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