Teacher pedagogical skills for organizing and conducting Music lessons

  • Murotova Dilnavoz Uktamovna student of the Department of Music Education, Faculty of Art Studies, Bukhara State University
Keywords: skill, creativity, culture, singing


The article deals with the pedagogical skills of a music teacher, the organization of all forms of the educational process in the most convenient and effective way, the ability to direct students towards the goals of personal development, the formation of students' worldview, the tendency to socially necessary activities. There is information about the ability to awaken, the results of musical and pedagogical activities in the interests of society, as well as ways to comprehensively develop the personality of young people


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How to Cite
Murotova Dilnavoz Uktamovna. (2021). Teacher pedagogical skills for organizing and conducting Music lessons. International Journal on Economics, Finance and Sustainable Development, 3(3), 141-143. https://doi.org/10.31149/ijefsd.v3i3.1437