The development of jumping ability in young basketball players 12-13 years old

  • U. A. Farmonov Bukhara State University head teacher of the "Interfaculty department physical culture and sports "
Keywords: jumping ability, speed-strength abilities


To increase the level of jumping ability (high-speed strength abilities), a depth jump training program has been developed, taking into account technical and tactical actions in the game "Basketball". Classes in the basketball section are nothing more than a well-organized and well-thought-out system in which the qualitative and quantitative characteristics in the preparation of children correspond to both the general tasks of physical education and age-specific ones. Jumping like motor quality, refers to the speed-power abilities of a person. An indicator of a significant development of speed-strength training and, as a consequence, an increase in the quality of technical and tactical actions is a good jump


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How to Cite
U. A. Farmonov. (2021). The development of jumping ability in young basketball players 12-13 years old. International Journal on Economics, Finance and Sustainable Development, 3(3), 218-222.