Optimization Of The Learning Process Of Basketball Exercises

  • U. A. Farmonov teacher of the "Interfaculty department physical culture and sports "
Keywords: basketball, students, motivation, health, optimization, health improvement, organization, technique, tactics, methodolog, methodology


The article raises the problem of optimization of the educational process in physical education classes at the basketball department. Among the students of 1-2 courses aged 17-20 years old, who go in for basketball, priority motives were identified that played a major role in the choice of this sport out of fifteen others presented at the Faculty of Physical Education of BSU. " In the article, we present the main forms of physical education used in the lessons of the educational department of basketball. A comparative analysis of training programs of various orientations during the learning process has been carried out. The main factors of optimization of health-improving physical education classes for students involved in the basketball department have been determined.


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How to Cite
U. A. Farmonov. (2021). Optimization Of The Learning Process Of Basketball Exercises. International Journal on Economics, Finance and Sustainable Development, 3(3), 238-243. https://doi.org/10.31149/ijefsd.v3i3.1484