International Experience in Attracting Foreign Direct Investment

  • B.Ruzmetov Bukhara, Republic of Uzbekistan Bukhara Engineering Technological Institute
  • Z.K. Jumaeva Bukhara, Republic of Uzbekistan Bukhara Engineering Technological Institute
  • M.Xudayarova Bukhara, Republic of Uzbekistan Bukhara Engineering Technological Institute
Keywords: foreign direct investment, incentives, international experience, state, investors, investment policy, taxes


The article substantiates the need for an effective policy of attracting foreign direct investment, identifies external and internal factors influencing the ability and volumes of attracting foreign investment in the economy. Based on studying the global experience in attracting foreign investments, the main directions for increasing the investment attractiveness of the economy have been identified


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How to Cite
B.Ruzmetov, Z.K. Jumaeva, & M.Xudayarova. (2021). International Experience in Attracting Foreign Direct Investment. International Journal on Economics, Finance and Sustainable Development, 3(4), 38-43.