The Role of Physical Culture and Sports in the Formation of a Healthy Lifestyle of a Student

  • Satimov A’zamjon Ikromovich Teachers of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Namangan Engineering-Construction institute
  • Murodov Nozimjon Olimjonovich Teachers of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Namangan Engineering-Construction institute
  • Ortiqov Umidjon Khudoiberdiyevich Teachers of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Namangan Engineering-Construction institute
Keywords: physical education, sports, healthy lifestyle, health, mood


This article discusses the role of sports and physical education in shaping a healthy lifestyle for students. The factors necessary for a healthy lifestyle are analyzed and explained


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How to Cite
Satimov A’zamjon Ikromovich, Murodov Nozimjon Olimjonovich, & Ortiqov Umidjon Khudoiberdiyevich. (2021). The Role of Physical Culture and Sports in the Formation of a Healthy Lifestyle of a Student. International Journal on Economics, Finance and Sustainable Development, 3(4), 59-62.