Marketing Concept of Diversification of Tourism and Possibilities of using them

  • Pardaev Mamayunus Qarshibaevich Professor of Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service
  • Kuymuratova Matlubaxon Abdimanabovna Senior Lecturer, Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology
Keywords: Marketing, diversification, tourism concept, Uzbekistan


This paper makes analyses of the marketing concept of diversification of tourism and possibilities of using them. On this case, research paper has pointed on the diversification of tourism and possibilities of using them Uzbekistan. Moreover, research has been pinpointed on both outcomes and shortcomings of the tourism diversification in Uzbekistan.


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How to Cite
Qarshibaevich, P. M., & Abdimanabovna, K. M. (2021). Marketing Concept of Diversification of Tourism and Possibilities of using them. International Journal on Economics, Finance and Sustainable Development, 3(10), 64-69.