Zonal Policy of Special Economic Zones According to Country Classifications by Income Level and the Growth of Special Economic Zones in Uzbekistan
This article examines the concept of special economic zones, their types and main benefits provided to the residents. We consider economic, social, scientific and technical aspects of special economic zones.
Special economic zones are reshaping the world economy. Special economic zones have been established in many countries as a mechanism to attract foreign direct investment, accelerate industrialization and create jobs. Not all special economic zones have been successful, and this paper examines the key parameters that contribute to the success of special economic zones, as well as the objectives of zone policy and the predominant zone types as classified by countries around the world.
2. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 26.10.2016 No. Presidential order - 4853 "on additional measures for activation and expansion of free economic zones".
3. Law on Accession of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonisation of Customs Procedures of 21 December 2020, No. URK-654
4. Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade of the Republic Uzbekistan. https://mift.uz/ru/menu/svobodnye-ekonomicheskie-zony-uzbekistana-itogi-2020-goda-i-perspektivy-razvitija-na-2021-god
5. Chapter IV Special economic zones // World investment report 2019
6. Y.M.Filatov Goals of special economic zones in the world economy: conceptual aspect. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/tseli-sozdaniya-osobyh-ekonomicheskih-zon-v-mirovoy-ekonomike-kontseptualnyy-aspekt