About Portfolio Theory Models

  • Saipnazarov Shaylavbek Aktamovich Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Department Higher mathematics Tashkent University of economics
  • Saipnazarov Sherbek Shaylavbekovich Phd Department Taxes and insurance Tashkent University of economics
Keywords: Profitability, risk, assets, variance, share of an asset


The article analyzes the expected return and portfolio risk. The development of a broad and efficient market, a statistical base, as well as rapid progress in the field of computing have led to the emergence of modern theory and practice of portfolio management. We have shown that it is based on the use of statistical and mathematical methods for selecting financial instruments in a portfolio, as well as on a number of new conceptual approaches.


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How to Cite
Aktamovich, S. S., & Shaylavbekovich, S. S. (2021). About Portfolio Theory Models. International Journal on Economics, Finance and Sustainable Development, 3(12), 38-44. https://doi.org/10.31149/ijefsd.v3i12.2466