Trends in the Economic Condition in the Conditions of the Recovery of Economic Activity

  • Zaynalov Jahongir Rasulovich Scientific Head Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
  • Aziza Tokhirovna Akhmedova Senior Lecturer Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service
Keywords: capital investments, change in the volume of investments, economic recovery, long-term credit, scenario, investment priority, investment projects, investment policy


The article reveals the features of the trends in the development of the economic conjuncture as part of the revival of economic activity, outlines the features of economic recovery, accompanied by an investment boom in the conditions of the revival of the economy of Uzbekistan on a new basis, determines the mechanism for choosing an investment strategy, the pace and efficiency of investments, their payback.


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How to Cite
Rasulovich, Z. J., & Akhmedova, A. T. (2022). Trends in the Economic Condition in the Conditions of the Recovery of Economic Activity. International Journal on Economics, Finance and Sustainable Development, 4(4), 57-60.