E-Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: With Reference to Atm Services of State Banks in Sri Lanka

  • M. S. Ishar Ali Department of Business and Management Studies, Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
  • J. Resi Tony Department of Business and Management Studies, Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
  • V. Anputhasan Department of Business and Management Studies, Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
Keywords: E-service, quality, banking, qualitycustomer, satisfaction


The purpose of this article is to investigate the quality of e-services and customer satisfaction in relation to ATM banking services, using theoretical foundations as a basis for investigation. The relationship between e-service quality and customer perception has received less attention from researchers, despite the fact that researchers have become increasingly interested in e-services' quality dimensions. There is a clear need for research into both the quality dimensions of e-services and the customer satisfaction dimensions that are relevant in the service context. In this article, quantitative analysis and data from respondents were used in conjunction with a convenient sampling technique. The study discovered that reliability, responsiveness, efficiency, privacy, empathy, and efficiency are all significant factors influencing customer satisfaction when using ATM banking services. As a result, the study concluded that reliability, responsiveness, efficiency, privacy, empathy, and efficiency are all significant factors influencing customer satisfaction when using ATM banking services.


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How to Cite
Ali, M. S. I., Tony, J. R., & Anputhasan, V. (2022). E-Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: With Reference to Atm Services of State Banks in Sri Lanka. International Journal on Economics, Finance and Sustainable Development, 4(6), 25-34. https://doi.org/10.31149/ijefsd.v4i6.3149